Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Author Interview: Phoebe Chase

Our next interview is with Phoebe Chase from the Twisted Tales blog. Phoebe is writing her futuristic retelling of Aladdin.
(From the Aladdin page at Twisted Tales: click here to read)
Blurb: Aladdin
Jasmine is a bored princess with secrets: some big, some little. When her father's adviser, Jafar, uses her boredom and a penchant for taking things that don't belong to her for his own nefarious purposes, Jasmine ends up in center court of a battle that could destroy the entire Middle East...and beyond.

Alád's code name is Diamond. When the agency's handlers found him on the streets of Marrakech picking pockets and stealing food, they coined him a diamond in the rough and it stuck. He's been tasked with finding something called "the lamp." Whatever it is, it has the potential to be the key to world peace, or all out war.

Set 50ish years in the future, Aladdin and Jasmine set out on a crash course that unites ancient magic and destiny with modern-day political intrigue.

1) What got you started on writing?

Honestly? A midlife crisis. I'm tired of watching my soul and creativity wither away in a cubicle. It's time to go after that brass ring.

2)Are you non-writing friends and family supportive?  Or do you get the "author/writer...yea... okay..." response? 

My husband is very supportive. He knows how much I want out of the 9-5 gig. The rest of my family is in the dark for now. I'm waiting to see how things go. My friends are super supportive and give me the push I need to sit down and get my stories on paper. It's like having my own little cheerleading squad.

3) Why did you choose your particular story for the Fairy Tale Blog.

Well, my first choice was taken. *grins* So I poked around to see what else piqued my interest and I kept coming back to Aladdin.

4) Why you took it in the direction you did?

I loved, loved, loved Cinder by Marissa Meyer. It's a futuristic take on Cinderella. I thought it was very clever so I wanted to try my hand at the same with Aladdin.

5) What elements are you going to keep the same as the classic version and why?

The setting. I love the history and culture of the Middle East/N. Africa region. And I always picture swarthy males when I think about it. Also, the lamp. Even in the future it's still the lamp that everyone is after.

6) Do you prefer to write in silence or with the TV going or with music?

I usually have the TV on in the background. But to something I'm not really interested in. I work better with white noise. Music takes my mind off of the writing, so I rarely play music while I'm working.

7) What is your dream writing space?

A nook up on the third floor of an old Victorian. Lots of sunshine and wooden floors that creak. If it had a drive-thru window to a Dunkin' Donuts, that would be awesome.

8) What do you do to put yourself in the mood for writing graphic scenes like sex, violence or debauchery?

I don't do anything in particular. I just start writing and eventually get into the proper head space if I wasn't there to begin with. I guess that's not very exciting is it?

9) If your life was a novel, what would the title be and who would write it?

Ugh, really? Ummm... Do Over by Kevin Hearne. (He knows how to make redheads hot.)

10) Who helps you through this crazy journey of writing?

My many friends and fellow writers who support me every day in whatever way they can. And Dunkin' Dontus Irish Creme coffee.

Click the links to follow Phoebe Chase on Facebook, Twitter, and on her blog "Phoebe Chase Writes"

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