Burn out. It sucks.
Due to my burn out I would totally end this blog post right
there but I feel the obligation to explain myself. I am burnt out on editing
Waking Up In Bedlam. True story.
I know as a writer I'm supposed to be all "this is the
greatest thing ever and every part of this process is so much fun!" and
others will say "If you aren't having fun and enjoying it then you aren't
a real writer." I call bullshit on both those statements. No one is having
fun and enjoying every millisecond of the writing process, some of us can admit
when something is sucking and draining us. I don't think it makes me less of a
writer to admit that I am burnt out. Note: I said "burnt out" I did
not say "quitting" or "giving up", I just think it's
healthy to admit out loud that I am burnt out. End of story.
Why am I burnt out? 1) I'm a perfectionist, I want WUIB to
be perfect because I am so damn scared of the reviews that will say something
along the lines of "You can tell this is self-published by the
editing." 2) It's hard to kill the lines or scenes you love, even when it
is what is best for the story. 3) Plot Holes. One of my beta readers found some
plot holes, one of which requires rewriting an entire chapter. How the hell did
I miss that? *shrugs* I have no clue, but it is there plain as day.
So there ya go, that is my bitch/complaint. Editing, I am
not a fan of yours. But as much as I don't like editing, it is a process that
is necessary. It is a critical step that must be completely thoroughly in
order to put out quality work. As much as it might be a drag you have to just
pick yourself back up and hit it again. I've been working in 2-3 chapter chunks
at a time. That seems to help, I don't get so hung up on it and can work
through my blahs as I try to map out that re-do chapter and sort these plot
holes out.
Also, on the subject of editing, someone suggested
autocrit.com to me the other day, I tried the free version and it was pretty
awesome, except for the fact that the free version only let's you do 500 words
at a time and gives you very limited tools (by very limited I mean only two).
While it was very fun and I think it would be great for me to use in my first
draft edits to take some of the burden off of my beta readers/editors there is
no way I could afford the price-tag, for the full version it is over $100 and
that my friends is just not doable. If I have time I'll do the free version in
chunks, although a 60k manuscript would take 120 visits to the site.
Do you enjoy editing? Are you a stickler for grammar already
so editing is a breeze for you? Do you use editing software?
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